About Me

I am a senior software engineer at Google specialized in networking. I am the tech lead of the secure networking backend for multiple products, including VPN by Google, Google Fi Virtual Carrier Network (VCN), and Google Fi VPN.

I received my Ph.D. in Computer Science in 2019 from Dartmouth College under the supervision of Prof. Xia Zhou. I was a member of Dartmouth Networking and Ubiquitous Systems Lab and Dartmouth Reality and Robotics Lab. I received my B.S. in Computer Science and B.A. (minor) in Economics from Peking University in 2013.

I was also a visiting reseacher at Cambridge University in 2016 and a research intern at Bell Labs, Cambridge in 2017.

Research Interest

I am a full-stack (physical to application layer) network researcher. My current research interest lies in hybrid wireless network that combines different modalities and its security. My Ph.D. research was focused on visible light communication and sensing.


Google Tech Impact Award (2022)

NSDI Best Paper Award (2020)


†: co-primary author

1. AmphiLight: Direct Air-Water Communication with Laser Light.

    C. J. Carver†, Z. Tian†, H. Zhang, K. M. Odame, A. Q. Li, X. Zhou. (NSDI 20)
    Best Paper Award

2. PolarTag: Invisible Data with Light Polarization.

    Z. Tian, C. J. Carver, Q. Shao, M. Roznere, A. Q. Li, X. Zhou. (HotMobile 20)
    Best Demo Award

3. Augmenting Indoor Inertial Tracking with Polarized Light.

    Z. Tian†, Y.-L. Wei†, W.-N. Chang, X. Xiong, C. Zheng, H.-M. Tsai, K. Lin, X. Zhou. (MobiSys 18)

4. Measuring Interaction Proxemics with Wearable Light Tags.

    A. Montanari†, Z. Tian†, E. Francu, B. Lucas, B. Jones, X. Zhou, and C. Mascolo (IMWUT, vol. 2, no. 1, 2018, UbiComp 18)

5. Position: Augmenting Inertial Tracking with Light.

    Z. Tian†, Y.-L. Wei†, X. Xiong†, W.-N. Chang, H.-M. Tsai, K. Lin, C. Zheng, X. Zhou (VLCS 17)

6. The DarkLight Rises: Visible Light Communication in the Dark.

    Z. Tian, K. Wright, and X. Zhou (MobiCom 16)
    Best Video Award

7.Lighting Up the Internet of Things with DarkVLC

    Z. Tian, K. Wright, and X. Zhou (HotMobile 16)

8.Human Sensing Using Visible Light Communication

    T. Li, C. An, Z. Tian, A. Campbell, and X. Zhou (MobiCom 15)
    Best Video Award